What does it mean to be lost? To be found? In the journey back to true self, we find comfort and wisdom in the most unlikely kindred spirits. Treasuring precious memories and time-worn bits of ourselves, we remember who we truly are, and gratefully accept the small gifts left for us by fellow travelers.
Images painted on canvas or wood, adorned with treasures carefully constructed of feathers, stone, recycled glass, horsehair, and other ephemera, hint at impermanence and the effects of the passing of time.
Within Acrylic/mixed media on canvas, recycled glass bottles, metal, jute $4,000
Fallen Angel, 24” x 47”(overall) acrylic on canvas, wood, metal, found object $2,400
Angel 16” x 44” acrylic on canvas, wood, metal, handmade horsehair and feather tassel SOLD
Divine Architecture 24”x24” acrylic on wood with stone and feather tassel $1800